Airblast Pyros only use their airblasts and never their flames. They may be normal Pyros at first but switch to Airblast Pyro if they're on a friendly server so they can knock friendlies around with airblast, either to have fun, protest the friendliness, or just be annoying. Whatever their motives, the Airblast Pyro will rarely switch to any secondary or use flames as stated above.
Loadout might consist of the stock flamethrower, dragons fury, due to the seemingly unlimited airblast, or degreaser because of the fast holster speed. Secondaries are largely unknown because the Airblast Pyro will almost never use them and would rather use fire in a fight-or-flight situation. We do, however have some common knowledge of these weapons as Airblast Pyros are becoming more and more common. They prefer to use the scorch shot, or manmelter to be as annoying as possible, those these loadouts may change.
Airblast Pyros like to hang out on maps popular maps with a higher chance of friendlies, (their prime target) maps like 2fort, Doublecross, Upward, or even Turbine. Their least favorite map (and my soon to be most played) is most likely Mercenary Park as their are so many chokes followed by open spaces that their abilities are limited from some-what lethal, to just annoying and easy to deal with. They also hate payload maps with Upward being the exception for obvious reasons (In case you don't know, Upward is surrounded by cliff on all sides). The most common strategy, (On 2fort at least) is to find friendlies dancing near the bridge area in the center of the map and sit there and watch them, either waiting for them to get closer to the water, or to see when the best time to strike is. If a Pyro with his flamethrower is doing this, you may need to relocate away from the water, directly into the water yourself or prepare for the worst, the worst being you get airblasted into the water and have a hard time getting back to the friendly spot you were in before. Evasive action is advised when coming face-to-face with a troll Airblast Pyro, or if you can without causing panic, attack the Pyro once to show it is not welcome here and should leave, if it doesn't leave you in peace after this, you can either, use your melee to knock it into the water if it's near enough, or you can just kill it. Airblast Pyros NOT carrying the degreaser will be considerably harder to take out then one with stock, as the faster holster speed can give experienced Airblast Pyros a fighting chance and may even take three or four allies to get rid of.
Their behavior is kinda noticeable the second they exit spawn: They like to troll people, or annoy them out of being friendly. They will also try to break up a friendly server by causing fighting which can confuse people and in the mess, even if the Airblast Pyro is killed, the damage has been done. It is estimated one in four friendly servers can be decimated by an annoying player with Airblast Pyros the second biggest cause of friendly servers being broken up, right behind Scunts. Avoid at all costs!