Tf2 Friendlies Wiki
Tf2 Friendlies Wiki


The Ticky Sentry (aka Clicky Sentry, etc.) is a rare breed of sentry which are essentially just sentry guns with all the ammo drained. This is done by shooting a wrangled sentry at the wall until it is out of ammo and then placing it around a group of people. It will lock-on to an enemy and make clicking noises that imply that it is out of ammo.



No primary is required, but using the Rescue Ranger is very useful in case your sentry is damaged. This way you can heal it without refilling its ammo.


The main requirement for an Engineer to build a Ticky Sentry is the Wrangler. It is essential to make your sentry use all of its ammo without hurting anyone.


The Gunslinger is popular for this because you can rebuild sentries incredibly fast and because mini-sentries don’t carry as much ammo as a regular sentry. Using other wrenches works perfectly fine and if you do, having extra health in your sentry can save it from Tryhards.


All you need to do is shoot your sentry at the wall until the ammo is drained to get a Ticky Sentry. Now just place your sentry in a place where people will see it or in a group of people. Just make sure to inform people that your sentry is empty, people will probably kill it otherwise.
